Friday, December 25, 2009

more of us

Just to highlight a couple of the pics we have; Olivia's birthday sausage (we've always had bday pancakes in the morning, but this is what she wanted!), the girls birthday parties, Halloween and this year Trent & I dressed up for a party, that would be Mall Cop if you can't tell. I will also add some friends at the Halloween party...Steve & Kara were hilarious as, well, white trash-I guess!

No, I'm not dead!

For both of you who read this blog, and more for my sanity, I FINALLY have a computer (well, until Trent goes back to school.) So, I've kindof forgotten how to even post and the ordering and the funny symbols and all that. So bear with me. Let me first apologize for the repeated slideshow; that must have been extremely boring...sorry. Update: Where do I begin? I think i'll just post a bunch of pictures randomly. You can probably figure what we've been doing; the same thing you've been doing; school, birthday parties, halloween, kids in the leaves, kids playing, etc....(side note;you will not however see Trent as he is literally at school from 6 am to 9 pm every dang night-poor guy) Here's us....

Saturday, August 22, 2009 3?

Yes, this would be Olivia (my three year old) riding her bike! I'm really not posting this to brag, I am in complete shock. She is extremely hard headed which is good and bad so when she told me she wanted her training wheels off I sort of laughed, I should have known better..So I took them off, which was no small feat, just finding a wrench took 20 minutes. I pushed her a little and she literally took off. WOW.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Girls

Ms. Olivia

finally, finally i got some pics of the girls! both dressed, hair done, small miracle:)

Ms. Emma

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cabin bound

I should warn you, there are many pictures to this post..... we are 1 week away from trent's last final at UVU (for those interested) what does he do? study-group? cram? late nights at the library? nope...let's go to the cabin!!(he is sooo over that place). he loves the cabin, the kids are ecstatic, to them the cabin is 4 wheelers, fishing, late nights, outdoors, junk food, no schedules ( we have one). So here is a few pics of our quiet, tranquil days at the lake!...enjoy

Lost tooth at the cabin? Yeah! Christian finally lost his first tooth...he's been anticipating this day since the middle of does the toothfairy even know where this place is? is it on a map? good question christian...IS scofield on a map...?

really though, can you have enough moments like these?

ok , maybe I've been in "big city" provo too long, but really? is that a catch pond for the fish to what? flop around in until they die? come on really...girls..move away

next day, bright & early..back to the really babe, you and the kids go, i'll uh....stay and clean up the kitchen...or...go back to sleep..(come on it's like 8 am and we're on vacation)

I am sorry i missed this though, he looks so peaceful!

Emma is done with fishing & ready to pose!

yes Christian, i promise the toothfairy will find you, even all the way up come on, back to fishing...

emma, stop asking christian to take your picture we're here to, you have to sit still or you'll scare away the fish...yes, your hair looks fine...
O.K...o.k...we'll go home...*D%$f#t! ......thanks dad for the great trip:) good luck on your finals!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

but we all know that's just not him, he's just a happy kid!

what's christian been up to?

here's christian trying to look all tough

Miss you Michael (Carter, not Jackson...although..)

So this is from Memorial Day way back in May, but i thought i'd post it anyway. the kids were so cute...all excited about how many flowers had been left on his grave like he's all popular:) we love you son and miss you always..