Friday, December 25, 2009

more of us

Just to highlight a couple of the pics we have; Olivia's birthday sausage (we've always had bday pancakes in the morning, but this is what she wanted!), the girls birthday parties, Halloween and this year Trent & I dressed up for a party, that would be Mall Cop if you can't tell. I will also add some friends at the Halloween party...Steve & Kara were hilarious as, well, white trash-I guess!

No, I'm not dead!

For both of you who read this blog, and more for my sanity, I FINALLY have a computer (well, until Trent goes back to school.) So, I've kindof forgotten how to even post and the ordering and the funny symbols and all that. So bear with me. Let me first apologize for the repeated slideshow; that must have been extremely boring...sorry. Update: Where do I begin? I think i'll just post a bunch of pictures randomly. You can probably figure what we've been doing; the same thing you've been doing; school, birthday parties, halloween, kids in the leaves, kids playing, etc....(side note;you will not however see Trent as he is literally at school from 6 am to 9 pm every dang night-poor guy) Here's us....